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Awareness Programme on Banning Single Use Plastics Aims to Educate and Inspire.

Awareness Programme on Banning Single Use Plastics Aims to Educate and Inspire.


In a bid to combat the environmental hazards posed by single-use plastics, an insightful awareness programme was conducted on November 8, 2023, at Bosco Hall. The event was specifically tailored for first-semester students of Science and Commerce, with the intention of fostering a culture of environmental consciousness among the youth.


Organized by the State Pollution Control Board, Shillong, in partnership with the Tura Municipal Board (TMB), the program brought together experts and students alike to discuss the adverse effects of single-use plastics on the environment.


The resource person for the event was Ms. Rikre R. Marak, Assistant Environment Engineer from the Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board (MSPCB). With a wealth of knowledge and experience in environmental engineering, Ms. Marak eloquently highlighted the dire consequences of single-use plastics, urging students to pledge their commitment to discontinuing their use.


During the session, Ms. Marak elucidated on the far-reaching impact of single-use plastics, shedding light on their contribution to pollution, harm to wildlife, and overall degradation of our natural surroundings. She emphasized the need for collective action in order to mitigate the damage caused by these harmful materials.


The programme's overarching objective was to instill a sense of responsibility towards the environment in the students. By empowering them with knowledge about sustainable alternatives to single-use plastics, the event aimed to inspire positive behavioral changes that will contribute to a cleaner and healthier planet.


The event concluded with students enthusiastically engaging in a discussion and expressing their commitment to reducing single-use plastics in their daily lives. With a renewed sense of purpose, they left Bosco Hall equipped with the knowledge and motivation to make a tangible difference in their communities.